android comments edit

I recently upgraded my phone to a Samsung Galaxy SIII. So far, seriously, this thing is awesome. It’s fast, I love Android 4.0, the screen is super clear, the camera is nice… serious win over my older Droid X.

One of the things Samsung seems to be pushing is the NFC (near field communication) abilities of the phone. They have these little NFC tags you can buy called “TecTiles” that you can use to play with NFC. They have an Android app you can use to program the tags or use them to execute programs from tags read by your phone.

I figured I’d try out some of these TecTiles and see what it’s all about.

TecTiles are small, about an inch square, and are stickers. Here’s one still on the backing paper:

Samsung TecTile NFC

They run roughly $3 each - you get them in a pack of 5 for about $15, though sometimes you can find them a little cheaper.

To program them, you first open the TecTiles app.

Samsung TecTile app: Pick a TecTile

From there, you can pick what you want the TecTile to do. You can choose from “Settings & Apps” (have it change phone settings or launch an app); “Phone & Text” (have the phone make a call, send a text, or add a contact); “Location & Web” (do a Facebook or Foursquare check-in or visit a web site); or “Social” (update Twitter or Facebook status, connect on LinkedIn).

For this walkthrough, I’ll choose “Settings & Apps.” Once you do, you get asked what sort of tag you want to make.

Samsung TecTile app: TecTile

I chose “Change Phone Settings.” Then you get to choose which settings you want to change.

Samsung TecTile app: Change Phone

You can select more than one setting at a time, but for now I just chose to set my phone in Silent mode. The next screen gives you some options about what exactly you want it to do.

Samsung TecTile app: TecTile setting

In this case, I want the tag to set my phone into Silent mode. This is something I might put on my desk at work so when I get in I can scan the tile and have it in “work mode.” Once it’s all set, you’re ready to program the TecTile.

Samsung TecTile app: Write

You just hold the phone over the little TecTile sticker, magic happens, and it’s programmed. You’ll notice there are options to “lock” the TecTile so you can’t re-program it. If, for example, you put your business contact info on the TecTile and stuck that on the front register at your store, you’d lock the tile so no pranksters overwrite it. There’s also an “allow multiple writes” option to allow you to re-use the program across multiple TecTiles. (I was actually hoping this option would allow me to make more complex programs by writing multiple “tasks” to the same TecTile, but, alas, no.)

To use the TecTile, you just sit your phone next to it/on it. Depending on what the TecTile is programmed to do, sometimes it brings up some info directly, but generally it seems to do most actions through the browser. For example, when you update Twitter status, it does it through the browser inteface, not the Twitter app. Here’s the weird bit - in the case here, where I’m setting my phone to silent mode, you still get an alert that the browser is launching:

Scanned TecTile: launching the

But when I click “OK,” the browser doesn’t come up - instead the TecTile app takes over and notifies me my phone is going into Silent mode.

Samsung TecTile app: Reading

Then that screen disappears and I go on my merry way.

I liked that it was pretty simple to get working and seemed novel… but I have to admit I’m a little disappointed. The list of available actions right now is pretty small:

Settings & Apps

Change Phone Settings

  • Alarm Time
  • Alarm Switch
  • Car Mode
  • Night Mode
  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • Silent
  • Ringer Volume
  • Music Volume
  • Automatic Brightness
  • Brightness

Launch an App

Join a WiFi Network

Show a Message

Phone & Text

  • Make a Call
  • Send a Text Message
  • Share a Contact
  • Start a Google Talk Conversation

Location & Web

  • Show an Address or Location
  • Foursquare Check In
  • Facebook Check In
  • Open a Web Page


  • Update Facebook Status
  • Facebook Like
  • Tweet a Status
  • Follow a Twitter User
  • Connect on LinkedIn

I mean, that doesn’t look small, but the first thing I wanted to do was set my phone in Vibrate mode since I use that at work, not Silent. But… no luck. Then I thought it would be neat to do a Latitude check-in since I use Latitude, not Facebook or Foursquare. Nope.

The “Send a Text Message” action doesn’t work right now, which is the first one I actually tried (after not finding Vibrate mode or Latitude check-in) but it seems they’re having problems with that. The most recent update says it fixed some problem with sending messages, but it doesn’t look fixed to me. (You scan the tile and then… back to the home screen. Nothing.)

Another thing: You can’t do any complex actions. For example, if you wanted a tile at work that turns your phone to Silent and then checks in… nope. That’s two tiles, not one.

In the end, I don’t really feel ripped off or anything. I’m having fun messing around with them, and I know I’m pretty early to the party on this, so I have faith they’ll beef up the offering as time goes on. However, from a practical standpoint, it doesn’t do all the stuff I’d like it to.

On a final note, for a more “real world” type of scenario, check out NameBump. These guys make NFC-enabled business cards. Hand your card to a potential client, and they can scan it with their phone to get your contact info in their phone instantly. That’s pretty slick and seems to me a great use of NFC. You could do something similar with TecTiles if you wanted - just program the TecTile and stick it to your card. Or, if you’re at a trade show, stick it to your vendor badge and hold it out for people to scan. I may have to do this for the next conference I go to. Rather than exchange cards, “Here

  • scan my badge.”

Sublime Text 2 is the first text editor that’s actually gotten me excited about text editors(!) for quite some time. It’s fast, clean, super extensible… I bought my license when it was still in beta and I’ve never looked back.

One of the things it was missing was support for MSBuild scripting - syntax highlighting, build execution, and so on. I do a lot of MSBuild work, I wanted to try my hand at Sublime Text 2 extensions, plus I wanted to try out GitHub, so I took the opportunity to roll all of those things into One Giant Project:

SublimeMSBuild - a Sublime Text 2 package that adds support for MSBuild.

Here’s a list of the features it includes:

  • MSBuild file extension handling:
    • .proj
    • .targets
    • .msbuild
    • .csproj
    • .vbproj
  • Build system: Execute the currently loaded MSBuild script and capture the results in the output pane.
  • Syntax highlighting:
    • MSBuild keywords and flow-control elements
    • Standard MSBuild tasks
    • C#/VB special project item elements
    • Well-known item metadata
    • Reserved properties
    • Variables
    • Conditional operators
    • Framework support functions
    • Comment blocks
  • Snippets:
    • New MSBuild Script
    • Comment blocks [trigger = c + tab]
    • Self-closing/simple tags [trigger = > + tab]
    • Content/end-tag tags [trigger = < + tab]
  • Autocompletion:
    • Standard/default tasks (e.g., CallTarget, CombinePath, MakeDir)
    • Project file entities (e.g., Target, Choose, Import)
    • Common item definitions (e.g., Compile, Reference, EmbeddedResource)
    • Well-known item metadata references (e.g., %(Item.FullPath))
    • Reserved properties (e.g., $(MSBuildProjectDirectory))
    • MSBuild Community Tasks (if the MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets file is imported)
    • C#/VB special project item elements (e.g., Reference, Compile)
    • Supported framework method calls (e.g., $([System.DateTime]::Now))

Installation is simple. There are two options:

Use Package Control. Package Control is a free package manager for Sublime Text 2. You can select the MSBuild package right from the list of available packages.

Manual installation:

Plus, if you want to muck around with it, add features, or even just see how it works, you can hack on it yourself. There are some pointers in the readme.

I’m personally pretty pleased with how it turned out, particularly the autocomplete/IntelliSense support for the various MSBuild tasks. Try it out, I hope you like it as much as I do.

As far as what I learned along the way… The extensibility model on Sublime Text is pretty awesome and easy to work with. I’m not really a Python guy, but I was able to figure it out pretty easily. And GitHub for Windows is a total gateway drug, so props to Phil Haack and crew for delivering that bad boy.

If you don’t have Sublime Text 2, what are you waiting for?

Once you have it,download and install the MSBuild.sublime-package.

dotnet, build, xml comments edit

We have a large group of devs all working on a single web application. As part of that, we have different folks all working in different branches, making changes to configuration files.

Visual Studio does a nice job of letting you keep code formatted via plugins like CodeRush and PowerCommands (“format on save”). Config files? Not so much.

As you can imagine, this creates no end of churn in merge conflicts as things switch from tabs to spaces and back, NuGet mucks around with dependency redirects, and entries get added and removed.

To address some of this, I decided to add some automatic config file formatting to our build so when you run the build, things automatically get cleaned up. Here’s how you can do this, too.

First, you’ll need a copy of HTML Tidy. HTML Tidy actually does work on config file XML as well as HTML as long as you specify that it’s not processing HTML. I grabbed this Windows executable since the main installer site seems to be gone.

Next, get the MSBuild Community Tasks in your build. There’s a nice FileUpdate task that will help during formatting and you’ll need it.

Finally, add the MSBuild script to your build. I have mine set up as a separate target that gets called just before compiling things.

<Target Name="FormatConfig">
      Exclude="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\**\packages.config;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\**\NuGet.config;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\**\repositories.config" />
    Command="tidy.exe --input-xml yes --output-xml yes --preserve-entities yes --indent yes --indent-spaces 4 --input-encoding utf8 --indent-attributes yes --wrap 0 &quot;%(ConfigFiles.FullPath)&quot; > &quot;%(ConfigFiles.FullPath).formatted&quot;"
    WorkingDirectory="path\to\tidy\folder" />
    ReplacementText="&lt;add $1=&quot;$2&quot; value=&quot;$3&quot; /&gt;" />
    SourceFiles="%(ConfigFiles.FullPath).formatted" />
  <Delete Files="%(ConfigFiles.FullPath).formatted" />

This block of script…

  • Locates all of the config files to format. I’m formatting every config file except the ones associated with NuGet because I don’t manually tweak those. If you have other config files to format, include those in the ConfigFiles item.
  • Executes tidy.exe against the config files. The options here indicate that I’m processing XML, I want it nicely indented with four spaces, and I want attributes nicely wrapped and indented. You can modify the settings yourself if this isn’t to your taste. Formatted file output gets created as a new file with the original filename suffixed by “formatted”, like “Web.config.formatted” so if anything goes wrong, it didn’t make changes to the actual item.
  • FileUpdate cleans up simple name/value pairs. The downside to wrapping attributes is that simple name/value pairs get broken across lines. This makes things like appSettings harder to read, not easier. This little regex action running after tidy puts them back on one line.
  • Replaces the original files with the nicely formatted versions. Simple copy/overwrite and delete of the temp file.

All in all, it’s pretty simple to get working and the end result is nice. Now as long as you can maintain a consistent element order in your config files, you’ll not get a merge conflict due to file formatting.

I love context menu “command prompt here” shortcuts. Every time a new VS version comes out, or a different prompt is available that I need, I create a new one.

In the past, I’ve tried to maintain a whole roundup of current versions, but that’s been tough. Different operating systems come out, I need to tweak this or that to make things work, and I end up having to edit and re-package the whole bundle. It’s also a pain for people wanting the installers – you want some, but not all; the tool isn’t quite what you want but you’re not sure what to tweak; and so on.

Today all of that stops.

Rather than maintain separate little .INF files for every command prompt type, I’ve created aCommand Prompt Here Generator. Using a handy little wizard interface, you can select from a list of command prompts that I know about. After that, you can optionally tweak the values. Want a different path? Fix it. Want the display text tweaked? Make it so. At the end, you can download a fully customized, generated installer for the prompt of your dreams.

Try it out, let me know what you think. If you want a new prompt added, you’ll need to let me know the info on the prompt (look at the “customize” screen in the wizard – that’s the info I need to know). Find a bug, drop me a line.

Visit the Command Prompt Here Generator

I was working on an ASP.NET MVC site for demonstrating some internal concepts recently. One of the things I wanted to show was how to use some HtmlHelper extension methods. I wanted the viewer to be able to see the rendered output and then flip to see the code, sort of like how you see in snazzy demos like the DevExpress MVC Extensions.

Here’s a little screencast/demo of what I’m talking about.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

So… how do you do that? Here’s how it plays out:

  • The tabs are jQuery UI.
  • The syntax highlighting is SyntaxHighlighter.
  • The HTML is rendered with a special HtmlHelper extension method DemoPartial that I’ll show you how to write.

The usage is really nice – you put your demo code into a partial view and then render it like this:


First, I’ll warn you… I do a little bit of crazy and totally unsupported reflection work in here because there’s some stuff in ASP.NET MVC that I really wish was public. But since it’s not… there’s some hackery.

I wrote this using MVC 3. I won’t guarantee that I’ll be keeping this article up to date with future versions of MVC, and future versions may make the reflection work obsolete. You’re on your own for adapting it to the future.

On with the show!

First, let’s set up the view that will be housing our demos. You’ll need to include…

  • jQuery (JS)
  • jQuery UI (JS and CSS)
  • SyntaxHighlighter (JS and CSS)
  • SyntaxHighlighter “brush” scripts for XML/HTML and Razor (JS)

You’ll also need a little bit of startup script to get the tabs running. The base view will look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>My Demo Page</title>
  <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/shCore.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/shThemeDefault.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.19.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/shCore.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/shBrushRazor.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/shBrushXml.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
      // Initialize the demo/code tabs on the page, if any.

      // Execute syntax highlighting.

  <h1>My Demo Page</h1>
  <!-- Here's where the DemoPartial calls go. -->

One thing you may get stuck on is the SyntaxHighlighter “brush” script for Razor. “Brushes” are the way that the SyntaxHighlighter script knows what is a keyword, what’s a constant, and so on, so it knows what to highlight. There isn’t one by default for Razor. I cobbled one together on my own based on a copy/paste/modify on the shBrushXml.js brush that deals with XML and HTML. You can learn how to create a custom brush on the SyntaxHighlighter site. There’s a download link at the bottom of this entry so you can grab my totally unsupported, not entirely complete, you’re-on-your-own-if-you-use-this brush for Razor.

Now that you have your page, you need the DemoPartial extension method.

First, create your static class for extension methods as well as your DemoPartial extension. For mine, I used the same overrides as the standard Html.Partial extension so I’d have feature-parity.

public static class DemoHtmlExtensions
  public static MvcHtmlString DemoPartial(
    this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
    string partialViewName)
    return htmlHelper.DemoPartial(partialViewName, null, htmlHelper.ViewData);

  public static MvcHtmlString DemoPartial(
    this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
    string partialViewName,
    object model)
    return htmlHelper.DemoPartial(partialViewName, model, htmlHelper.ViewData);

  public static MvcHtmlString DemoPartial(
    this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
    string partialViewName,
    ViewDataDictionary viewData)
    return htmlHelper.DemoPartial(partialViewName, null, viewData);

  public static MvcHtmlString DemoPartial(
    this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
    string partialViewName,
    object model,
    ViewDataDictionary viewData,
    bool codeOnly = false)
    // Here's the important bit.

I marked the overload that’s interesting - the one with the most parameters. You’ll also notice the optional codeOnly parameter – I’ll explain that in a minute.

The first thing you have to do is generate a unique ID for your set of demo/code tabs. It needs to be unique so you can use the extension method multiple times on the page. The unique ID is used in generating HTML for the jQuery UI tabs, which need some unique link targets.

var tabSetName = HtmlHelper.GenerateIdFromName(

I realize that’s sort of reaching back into our ASP.NET web forms past, but I couldn’t think of a much better way without forcing the consumer to do that unique ID on their own. In the end, I wasn’t too worried about it.

Let’s create a StringWriter where we can generate our output. We’ll write the demo tab headers out first:

using (var writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
    "<div class=\"demo-tabs\"><ul><li><a href=\"#{0}-1\">Demo</a></li><li><a href=\"#{0}-2\">Code</a></li></ul><div id=\"{0}-1\">",

What that does is:

  • Open a container with a special class of “demo-tabs” – <div class="demo-tabs">
  • Create an unordered list of two items. jQuery UI will turn these into the tab headers. This is where that unique ID comes into play – each tab contains a link to a unique anchor in the page.
    • The first tab links to the demo part (“live render”).
    • The second tab links to the code part (“highlighted syntax”).

Next we need to write out the demo tab contents. That’s the part with the live render of the demo. It looks like this:

if (codeOnly)
  writer.WriteLine("[View included for code only; switch to the code tab.]");
  writer.WriteLine(htmlHelper.Partial(partialViewName, model, viewData));

Remember that codeOnly optional parameter? That’s so we can insert demos of things that may not have UI to them. It’s an easy way to, say, show how a helper function works – include it via a partial demo view.

If we don’t want a “live render” (we want “code only”) we’ll render a placeholder text block in the demo tab; otherwise we’ll include the live render of the partial view in our output.

Next we need to close the demo tab contents and start the code tab contents:

writer.WriteLine("</div><div id=\"{0}-2\">", tabSetName);

Here’s where we almost begin to touch on that tricky reflection I was talking about.

The next step is obviously to render the actual code into the view. That means getting the partial view from the registered set of view engines.

I made a second extension method FindPartialViewFile that does exactly that. I will show you that in a minute. For now, let’s just pretend it exists and works.

We need to:

  • Get the view file.
  • Determine which syntax highlighter to use (Razor or HTML/ASPX).
  • HTML-encode the view file contents and dump it to the code tab.

That looks like this:

var partialViewFile = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialViewFile(
if (partialViewFile != null)
  string brush = null;
  switch (Path.GetExtension(partialViewFile.Name).ToUpperInvariant())
    case ".CSHTML":
      brush = "razor";
      brush = "html";
  writer.Write("<pre class=\"brush: {0}\">", brush);
  using (var reader = new StreamReader(partialViewFile.Open()))
  writer.WriteLine("<p>[Demo code file not available. Please see original source.]</p>");

First we use the FindPartialViewFile extension (which I’ll show you in a minute) to locate the virtual file containing the view code. If the file comes back null, it means we can’t locate the file so we’ll render a little placeholder text. If it can be found, we figure out which syntax it is by using the file extension – if it isn’t a .cshtml file, we fall back to use the standard HTML highlighting. Finally, we read the contents of the partial view, HTML-encode it, and dump it out to the code tab contents.

The last thing to do here is close the code tab contents and the overall tab container, then return the whole mess.

return MvcHtmlString.Create(writer.ToString());

The whole thing all put together nicely is available below in the download.

OK, so now for the tricky bit – locating the virtual file containing the view code.

You’ll notice I say “the virtual file” and not “the physical file.”That’s because ASP.NET uses a mechanism called VirtualPathProvider to abstract itself away from the filesystem. You can serve files from the disk… or embedded resources… or a zip file… or a database… or wherever else.

The default ASP.NET MVC view engines (web forms, Razor) both interface with the VirtualPathProvider to do their file location. They do this by deriving from a common VirtualPathProviderViewEngine class… and this is what I count on to do my crazy reflection-based view location magic.

Deep in the bowels of VirtualPathProviderViewEngine is a private method called GetPath that actually gets the virtual path to a view or partial view if the view engine is able to locate it. There are a bajillion undocumented parameters on this sucker (because it’s private) but it’s the only way to actually tie a view name to a virtual file path. So… we need access.

First, create a new extension method class. We’re going to extend ViewEngineCollection so we can do that call you saw earlier. I don’t like jamming a bunch of extension methods for different things into the same class, so I didn’t.

We can get a reference to that GetPath method like so…

private static readonly MethodInfo _getPathMethod =
    .GetMethod("GetPath", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

You’re now in ridiculously unsupported territory.

To make it easier on ourselves to call this thing, let’s create a delegate with the same signature as GetPath. It’s long, it’s ugly… it is what it is.

private delegate string VirtualPathProviderViewEngineGetPath(
  ControllerContext controllerContext,
  string[] locations,
  string[] areaLocations,
  string locationsPropertyName,
  string name,
  string controllerName,
  string cacheKeyPrefix,
  bool useCache,
  out string[] searchedLocations);

Yeah, that’s the signature. You can double-check in Reflector if you want. I’ll wait.

Now that we have our private method reference and our convenience delegate, we need to…

  • Iterate through all of the view engines in the collection.
  • For each engine that’s a VirtualPathProviderViewEngine, call the GetPath method on the engine.
    • If it returns null, move to the next engine – the view wasn’t found.
    • If it returns a string, use the VirtualPathProvider to get a reference to the virtual file and return that.

In code, it looks like this:

foreach (var viewEngine in viewEngines)
  var vppEngine = viewEngine as VirtualPathProviderViewEngine;
  if (vppEngine == null)

  var getPathDelegate = (VirtualPathProviderViewEngineGetPath)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
  string[] searchedLocations = null;
  var path = getPathDelegate(
    out searchedLocations);

  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
    return HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(path);

return null;

I got the list of parameters by checking out the MVC code for this thing. There really are hardcoded strings like that going in. They seem to be used as cache keys and such. In the end, you get the path to the partial view or you don’t, and that’s what matters.

Whew! Now put that together with the DemoPartial extension and you’re in business!

  • Put your demo code into a standalone partial view.
  • In your main view, call Html.DemoPartial() and pass in the name of your partial view (and any other data). Just like Html.Partial only tabified.
  • Revel in how awesome your demo site is and how easy it is to maintain.

Below is the download for the complete source and my cobbled-up Razor syntax highlighter brush. Standard disclaimers apply:

  • It’s free, and you get what you pay for.
  • Totally unsupported.
  • Works on my box.
  • Performance not guaranteed.
  • No warranty expressed or implied.
  • Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
  • Good luck and have fun.

[Download Source – DemoHtmlExtensions, ViewEngineCollectionExtensions, Razor Syntax Highlighter Brush, Stub Main View – 5KB]