DIY End Table USB Charger

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At home, especially after a long day, I’ve noticed my phone may be low on power even though I’d like to continue using it. All of our chargers are in rooms other than the living room where we spend most of our time and I didn’t want to move one into the living room because I didn’t want cords all over the place or a bajillion different things to plug in.

I finally figured out the answer.


Charger, cables, and adhesive


Use one of the Command strips to affix the USB charger under the lip on the back of your end table. I went with Command strips because they’re reasonably strong but generally won’t ruin the finish on your table because they can be easily removed.

Plug one or more of the one-foot cables into the charger.

If you get the Sabrent USB cables I mentioned earlier, they have a little bit of Velcro on them you can use to your benefit. Put a little Velcro under a nearby area of the table and push the Velcro tie on the USB cable to the end. You can then attach the end of the cable in easy reach from your couch using the Velcro.

Charger attached to the back of the table


The nice thing about this is it’s entirely unobtrusive. Charge your phone on the end table while you’re sitting and watching TV, but when you’re done you can drop the cable back behind the table (it’s only a foot long so it won’t drag on the ground or look messy); or if you have the Velcro you can affix the cable under the lip of the table in easy reach for the next usage.

Charging a phone
