Six Reasons Not to Use Guard Classes

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“Guard” classes - those little “convenience wrappers” around common argument checking and exception throwing. You know what I’m talking about, things like…

public static class Guard
  public static void AgainstNull(object value, string parameterName)
    if(value == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException(parameterName);

Then, rather than the if/throw block in your method, you have something like…

public void MyMethod(string theParameter)
  Guard.AgainstNull(theParameter, "theParameter");
  // Do the rest of the work...

It seems like a good idea, right? Reduce the three lines of if/throw checking to a tiny, fluent-looking one-liner. There are some common reasons people seem to like them:

  • Makes the code tighter/more readable.
  • If you want to add common logging, you can do it in one place.

Both are totally legit. But there are a lot more reasons not to like them, and here are mine:

  1. Guard classes defeat static analysis like FxCop. I like FxCop. I treat it like it’s another set of unit tests that help me to make sure my code behaves consistently. I don’t use all the rules, but most of them are valuable. One of those valuable rules can analyze whether you validated an argument for null prior to sending it to another method. If you wrap that check in a Guard class, FxCop isn’t going to see it - it sees the Guard class validating the argument, but not the caller. FxCop can also validate that the name of the parameter in the exception being thrown matches exactly the name of the real parameter on the method - a lifesaver if you’re doing some refactoring that renames parameters and you forget to fix that. You either have to turn these FxCop rules off or write custom rules that understand your Guard class.
  2. Guard classes become giant validation dumping grounds. How many things can you imagine you need to Guard against? Null values, sure. Maybe strings that are null or empty. Collections that are null or empty. How about ranges? Things like “if this date is in the future?” What else? There are actually a lot of things you can possibly guard against. Unfortunately, unless you’re in a very small team, that means the Guard class quickly becomes hundreds of lines of code doing dozens of different validations that aren’t actually all that common, and there’s no real way to “draw the line” and say “this should be in, but this shouldn’t.”
  3. Guard classes mess up the call stack. The place where the exception gets thrown is now no longer actually the method that should be doing the validation - it’s one level deeper (possibly more if you call Guard methods from other Guard methods).
  4. Guard classes become a single point of failure. Someone messes up or tweaks the logic in one Guard check, that affects literally every method through the whole application. It also means you’d better check performance well in there because it’s totally central.
  5. Guard classes tend to get used in the wrong places. Say you have a check that validates for null, as seen in the example above. That’s great for validating arguments to a method… but what about if you read in a configuration value and you want to check it for null. Same Guard method? No! The configuration value isn’t an argument, so you shouldn’t throw an ArgumentNullException. Unfortunately, it’s very tempting to go shorthand everywhere and end up throwing the wrong exceptions just because it’s convenient.
  6. Guard classes fool your unit test coverage. If you ship the validation of arguments or values off to a Guard class, then suddenly your unit test coverage is 100% whether or not you test the failure scenario of an invalid argument - it passed through the Guard class, so that line got covered. Done! Unless you’re doing strict TDD where you wrote the negative checks up front along with the positive checks, there’s going to be a pretty good chance you’ll forget to add all the negative test cases… and there’s no way to tell if you did or not.

I’m not convinced that saving one (or three, pending on your counting) lines of code for an argument check is really worth all the downsides.
