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Well, I’ve finally finished the conversion of my web site from the old “MHS Vortex” style to the new, improved “paraesthesia” weblog style. The Gen13 section has pretty much gone the way of the dodo, though I’ve left the last version of the links and collector’s info pages up there so folks coming in can still refer to them if they really want to. The “tributes” sections are gone, too, since they really never got updated or anything. Hopefully you can just read about what I’m into or whatever in the blog.

Oh, and “AssKick!”, as awesome of an idea as it was, is also gone.

I’m also pleased to announce that, in related news, I have MUCH more free space on my account now that all of that stuff is gone. Maybe now I can post some more interesting and changing items in the coming times.

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I realize this probably is of interest to no one but me, but I was able to successfully hack the Greymatter back end and create a little script that will allow me to dynamically include the templates from Greymatter directly into my other HTML pages (provided, of course, SSI is enabled). Which means it’ll be much easier to create my other pages and give them all a standard look. I added my resume and updated it to be current… looks pretty good. Now I just need to add back in some of the “about” pages and a fix-up of the Gen13 section and I’ll be good to go.

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Well, it seems thus far that the move to blogging has been fairly well accepted by the populace. I’m pretty stoked with it myself. Look, ma! I’m updating my site! Regularly!

As far as the major Amazon pimping that’s taking place here… hey, it never hurts to make a little money on the side. Besides, if I’m diligent enough to keep up with it, you may see a link to something cool that you may just “have to have.” I buy everything from Amazon, you may as well give in and do it, too.