The new TV rocks. Watched it last night and it’s just awesome. Love it.

On the other hand, Roomba has decided to start wandering erratically and not quite functioning right. I notified the Roomba support folks and they’re going to send me a whole new Roomba.

I have yet to be disappointed by Roomba customer service. They’re really cool there and just want to resolve your issue.

Maybe this is a little of my bad karma coming back to haunt me? Get the TV fixed and Roomba breaks? Eh. I can handle it.

vs, personal comments edit

Looks like Scott’s posted his updated tool list, and there’s some great stuff on there if I do say so myself.

I noticed I got a shout-out, which is all too kind of him, and a few of my tools made it on the list, including:



Fusion Log Settings Changer

Junction Icon Overlay

.NET Command Prompt Everywhere

If you like those, check out the rest of the Software/Downloads category for other stuff I’ve got. My content here isn’t always technical in nature, but sometimes I can pull out a good code snippet or two.

My Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U showed up today at 11:00a and it looks spectacular. The delivery guy thinks he was the one who originally delivered my 40” Sony CRT. That’d be funny.

The first movie I’m going to watch is The Fifth Element, my favorite. It’s got some great detail to it, too, so it’ll be a nice test of the new set’s capabilities. Totally looking forward to it.

And thus ends an era, the era of Distort-o-Vision, the 40” CRT that stuck with me for two years.

Rest in peace, Distort-o-Vision. October 2002 - February 2005.

I went yesterday to Magnolia A/V and picked out my new TV. I ended up getting the Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U, the latest 37” LCD panel. The repair people I talked to recommended the Sharp line, and I’ve seen ‘em in action and liked ‘em, so this seemed the best way to go.

It arrives Monday morning, when the delivery folks will also take away the old distort-o-vision. Apparently they’re going to calibrate it and whatnot and one of the store employees is going to buy it. More power to him.

The only downside now is I have to go out and get a new TV stand, which I plan on doing today. Heck, if that’s the only thing left to do, I’m made in the shade.