From Arctic Blast 2008
I am going out of my fucking mind with this snow. I hate
Seriously. I’ve been stuck at home for like four days now and the snow
just keeps getting deeper, indicating that I’m going to be stuck here
until time ends, or at least until next weekend when it’s supposed to
get warmer and melt off a bit.
Yesterday ended with about 10” of snow and a quarter-inch sheet of ice
on top of that, so you had to break through the ice if you wanted to
walk around.
I tried to take the garbage out yesterday, but I can’t because the snow
has piled up so high I can’t get the gate to the cans open. I’ve
repurposed a recycling bin as a temporary garbage holding area until I
can get to the cans. No, the irony of using a recycle bin as a garbage
can is not lost on me.
The local news stations are calling this “Arctic Blast 2008.” I guess
they all get together and decide what to call various weather systems so
the reporting is consistent. I guess “Arctic Blast” is as good a name as
I’ve been able to work from home, but Jenn’s stuck at home and unable to
work, which means I’m in here sitting at the kitchen table, destroying
my back in these crappy chairs, trying to do tasks that require a lot of
in-person collaboration without actually getting together in person with
people, and she’s in the other room playing Lego
I wanna play Lego Batman and not work. There are so many other things
I can imagine doing at home that don’t involve work. I have months of
comics backed up that I could read. Movies to watch. Games to play. Cats
to pet. (OK, I admit I pet the cats while I’m working at home.)
Anyway, working at home is a motivational challenge. I’d much rather be
in the office since then I could get my collaborative work done and not
be distracted by, say, a kitten jumping out of the Christmas tree like
the squirrel in Christmas
Speaking of Christmas Vacation, Jenn and I have been watching holiday
movies the last few days and I have to say, I think that and A
are possibly the best holiday movies ever made. Ever. In fact, here’s my
top five list:
- Christmas
- A Christmas
- Die
- Elf
- Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band
You’ll notice there aren’t any of the old “classics” on there like
Miracle on 34th Street or It’s a Wonderful Life. I’m just not into
them. I mean, I’ll watch, but for various reasons, watching Die Hard
(the original) is what really says, “It’s Christmas!” to me.
The house is somewhat decorated for Christmas. Our new kittens, Kai and
Stan, are pretty destructive little beasts, so we’ve been slowly
introducing things to them in an effort to “warm them up” so they don’t
just go apeshit and destroy everything. We figured that we couldn’t hang
the stockings from the fireplace because the hangers were only really
made to support the weight of the sock and a few small gifts, not the
weight of a kitten, so we’ve got them hung by the stairs. We had to use
nylon rope to hang them because they chewed through the ribbon we
started out with and the string we subsequently replaced the ribbon
with. We have a fake tree and the bottom row of branches is totally bent
down and looks horrible because the kittens “ride” the branches and
attack them. (You wouldn’t think they could break off metal branches,
but they did break a piece of one off.) Jenn put gifts under the tree
and the kitties have been helping by chewing the living crap out of the
bows. I’m surprised the packages are still wrapped.

From Arctic Blast 2008
We introduced the kittens to snow, which was pretty funny. They’re
indoor kittens so they really don’t get to experience some of that stuff
first-hand. We filled up a Tupperware bowl full of snow and brought it
in. They dig around in it, pull some out onto the floor, shake their
paws (it’s cold!), and then smack the snow across the floor. They’ll
watch it go, then dig some more out and the process continues. They
pretty close to emptied that bowl of snow out onto the floor.
Let’s see, what else has gone on during the snow?
Our Scooba
broke. I think the pump in it went bad. It just puts this blue light on,
the equivalent of your car’s “Check Engine” light. After jumping through
a few support hoops, it turns out Scooba is no more. Lame. Now I need to
decide if we want to replace it or not. They have an out-of-warranty
replacement program that gets you a new robot for a steep discount and
I’ll probably be participating in that. I really like the Scooba and it
does a pretty decent job. In the meantime, I guess we’ll mop the old
fashioned way.
The movies we’ve been watching have mainly been through my media
just proving the functionality, which is really cool. Having access to
the movies is really nice and super convenient.

From Arctic Blast 2008
Jenn’s been making a lot of cookies and baked goods while we’re stuck at
home. A lot of cookies. They’re freaking everywhere. Counters,
cupboards, fridge…
Needless to say, I’m probably not eating as healthy as I should be. I
had a rum ball for breakfast this morning as Jenn was yelling in from
the other room, “That’s not a breakfast food!” Hmmm. I guess it is now.
That and egg nog, some of which my cat is being very persistent about
trying to get.
Oh, here’s an entirely unrelated story but something I was going to blog
anyway. We had a cat pooping on the floor next to the litter box. Not
sure why, but it’d always be right next to the box. Pee in the box, poop
outside the box. Couldn’t figure out why.
Talked to the vet, and there are two reasons a cat will do something
like that: medical or behavioral. Since the poop was solid, it wasn’t
medical, so we figured it was behavioral.
Behavioral reasons include the cat not feeling safe in the box, the cat
not liking the litter, the box being inconveniently located, and so on.
So, to address all of these things, we added a second box in a different
corner of the room and made sure there was no top on either box so no
one would feel “pinned in” or anything - your choice of location, easily
escapable, for your pooping pleasure. We also put a Feliway plug-in
there in case the kitties were feeling nervous. (Feliway is a cat
pheromone analog that calms cats down. Humans can’t smell it.) None of
this stopped the issue. You know what it was?
Box not big enough.
We had two pretty big boxes (the large size at the store) but our new
kittens are serious diggers - like little steam shovels. The vet
recommended we get a bigger box, just to see. We ended up getting this
thing that resembles a gigantic Rubbermaid storage container. Takes 25
pounds of litter to fill. But you know what?
No more poop on the floor.
So there you go.
Anyway, that’s about it going on around here. Cabin fever has set in,
and we’re waiting for the snow to go.
Here’s wishing you and yours peace and love for the holidays.