Lessons in Refrigeration

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I learned something this morning when I opened my mini-fridge at work to get a beverage:

If you turn the fridge up past the 50% mark, Snapple “Element” beverages freeze solid.

I also learned, as a corollary to that lesson:

If you let Snapple “Element” beverages freeze solid, they will expand enough to seep out the top of the cap, whether you opened the bottle or not.

Welcome to my grape-covered world.

Interestingly, Sobe beverages do not freeze solid, though some crystals do form.

The fridge has since been turned back down to 50%.

Tonight I’m going to go to the mall and pick up my Ottawa Senators home jersey if they have one. I decided on that over, say, binoculars, because I think I’d get more use out of the jersey. Besides which, honestly, what am I going to do with binoculars? Maybe I’ll go into Software Etc. and preorder my copy of GTA: VC.

Speaking of buying things, I went out this weekend on a mission to find the original TV miniseries to The Bourne Identity on DVD. I guess I forgot (and remember now that I’ve looked on Amazon) that it won’t be released until August 27. I suppose that explains why I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Went to see Goldmember this weekend and had a blast with it. Really didn’t get the Dutch jokes, but thought it was, overall, probably the best Austin Powers movie. I don’t think it would have been as funny had I not seen the other two movies because a lot of the jokes built on stuff shown in the previous films. Still good, though. Loved the Ozzy cameo in there.

Jenn and I really need to have a garage sale. We have just way too much crap. Since we moved all of our movies and videos into bookcases, we’ve got a bunch of those wooden video racks and DVD racks to get rid of. Plus we sort of missed out on the whole “spring cleaning” thing, so we need to go through our stuff and I’m sure I’ll come up with many more items. Like the boxes to toys that I have out that I realize I’m never going to sell - I don’t need the cardboard boxes they came in. Much as I’d like to think I might make out like a bandit if I ever did sell them.
