Autofac 3.0 Released

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The final version of Autofac 3.0.0 is released and you can get it on NuGet or download directly from Google Code.

If you’re upgrading from 2.6, the big changes are:

  • NuGet packages for everything - you can get core Autofac, the integrations, and the extras, all on NuGet.
  • Symbol/source packages are deployed to SymbolSource so you can debug into the source.
  • New integration with MVC4, WebAPI, and SignalR.
  • Autofac core is now a Portable Class Library that can work on the full .NET stack, Windows Store apps, Silverlight 5, and Windows Phone 8 apps.
  • AutofacContrib projects are now Autofac.Extras (namespace and assembly name change).

There are also a ton of issues resolved and we’re working on enhancing the wiki docs. The Release Notes page on the Autofac wiki has the detailed list of changes.

Huge thanks to Alex Meyer-Gleaves for all the work he does (and managing the release process!) and to Nicholas Blumhardt for getting Autofac going.
