CR_Documentor Released

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The new version is out and is primarily a bug fix release - hopefully some alleviation of problems for the VS 2005 users.

Fixed bug that would cause VS 2005 to throw an exception on shutdown if the CR_Documentor window had been displayed during the session.

Fixed bug that would display a security warning in the CR_Documentor window for VS 2005 users. CR_Documentor now executes the preview in the “Local Intranet” security zone.

Go get it!

Big thanks to Max and the rest of the DevExpress support team for being so responsive and pointing me in the direction for the exception-on-shutdown bug as well as for testing it out for me to make sure it was fixed. Also thanks to Scott Grosch and Chuck McGavern for reporting the bugs and helping test - if folks don’t tell me something’s wrong, I can’t fix it!
