Illig Media Center: The Documentation!

Over the years I’ve posted about my home media center developments. Back in 2008 I posted a summary with links to articles, then I did another roundup in 2014.

The problem with this sort of periodic summary is that it’s hard to get an accurate picture of how things are working right now. I might forget to blog it, or I’ll take some notes on something I found and forget to post it, or whatever.

I was keeping my media center and home networking notes in a personal wiki on PBworks but I figured it was time to make things a bit more official.

My media center and home network documentation is now live at

Diagram of my home network

This is the place I’ll add notes or tips on how my media center setup works. I’ve got everything from the hardware I use to my process for getting video content into the system. I’ve got my plan and analysis for how I cut cable including cost breakdowns and options. It’s all on this site.

My biggest problem in getting my media center going was that I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Information about all this stuff - hardware, software, how to get things done - is spread out all over the place. I never found a complete guide to help me on my way.

I hope this documentation can help you jump start your media center or improve the one you have. As things change in my system, I’ll be keeping the documentation here up to date so it should always have the latest info.
